Wednesday 20 June 2012

WW2 Finnish infantry figures - Part 2

Well, I got the shading done on my first artillery crew. As only my second attempt at painting 1/72 figures I found this quite hard and I clearly have a lot to learn, particularly about painting realistic looking faces.

The uniforms were quite straight forward really, over the base coats I laid down a thin wash of a slightly darker colour to bing out the folds and shaded areas. This was followed by a light pin wash to get into those deep areas and to define the layers in the clothing.

Finally, I gently dry brushed a the highlights. I did have to touch up areas I was unhappy with as I went along and I also re-did wash areas as needed because these seem to dry lighter than they were when wet. Metal areas were touched over with a graphite pencil.

As I said, I found doing the skin and faces the hardest part and I haven't developed a system for doing these areas yet. I will have to do some research to find if there are any easy to follow tutorials online for doing these bits.

Still, first figure set done and ready to matt varnish and then add to my 105mm howitzer base unit.

Edit: Oh incidentally - Finnish artillery crews had a red collar patches (infantry was green) but I'm really not quite ready to paint this sort of small detail yet so I skipped them.

Next: Taking the lessons I learned from this group forward and making my artillery observation team.

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